Studio Publications
Books & Artwork
by Roger Burnett
on the theme of the

About Studio Publications
Studio Publications is located on the lush Caribbean Island of Dominica and features books by Roger Burnett. The author began self-publishing his work in England sixty years ago by selling his books door to door. By the 1980’s his personal approach to publishing extended to selling boat to boat in Virgin Island anchorages. In the 1990’s his daily diary pages on the internet were the forerunner to blogs. His blog (sculpturestudiodominica.blogspot.com) is followed by thousands of artists and art students in over eighty countries. More recently, the advent of eBooks has enabled his work to reach a worldwide market. All the books listed are a continuation of the same theme. For the reader, the content of one book leads to the content of another.

About the Author
There is increasing interest in lifestyles that differ from the norm, and for eighty years Roger Burnett’s life has been in the forefront of that category. Like the Renaissance artists, necessity has made him a man of many parts: painter, sculptor, author, publisher, engineer, architect, master craftsman, sailor and adventurer. His studios have ranged from a shack alongside an idyllic cove in the Virgin Islands to a cavernous church assembly hall in the North of England. His present studio is located on the lush island of Dominica. Roger Burnett’s watercolours suggest, rather than define, and invite the viewer to enter the creative process. Likewise, his

award-winning public sculptures are set at pavement level and encourage interaction. In the 1990’s he began publishing a daily diary on the internet that followed his work as a painter and sculptor. His current diary pages are followed by thousands of artists and art students in over eighty countries.

About the Author
There is increasing interest in lifestyles that differ from the norm, and for eighty years Roger Burnett’s life has been in the forefront of that category. Like the Renaissance artists, necessity has made him a man of many parts: painter, sculptor, author, publisher, engineer, architect, master craftsman, sailor and adventurer. His studios have ranged from a shack alongside an idyllic cove in the Virgin Islands to a cavernous church assembly hall in the North of England. His present studio is located on the lush island of Dominica. Roger Burnett’s watercolours suggest, rather than define, and invite the viewer to enter the creative process. Likewise, his award-winning public sculptures are set at pavement level and encourage interaction. In the 1990’s he began publishing a daily diary on the internet that followed his work as a painter and sculptor. His current diary pages are followed by thousands of artists and art students in over eighty countries.

Yes, We're Different
Studio Publications is virtually a one-man band. I am publisher, author, artist and general factotum for all things on my small island in the Caribbean. Computer technology - an essential component of E-publishing - is beyond my dyslexic capabilities, but fortunately my son takes care of that.
We do our best to respond to orders the same day, that is: providing we haven’t been hit by a hurricane, our broadband cable is intact and the island’s generator hasn’t broken down.
Yes, we’re different, but don’t let that deter you.